Wednesday, November 02, 2005

So Much for that Midwestern Education

To: Southern Methodist Univeristy
From: President Bush
Date: October 31, 2005

really did. I did my best to convince members of the Senate that a Supreme Court nominee didn't have to be from a fancy Northeastern Ivy League school. Remember when I stood at the podium and told the world that Harriet Miers' law degree from SMU would help her case because it would prove she wasn't a political insider? Wow, that did not go very well. Turns out people inside the Beltway kind of think SMU might be a crappy school compared to Harvard and Yale. At least that's my take. So this time I went with a good ol' white guy from Princeton and Yale. So far it seem to be working out because no one is questioning his 'itellectual ability.' They're questioning mine for nominating Ms. Miers in the first place, but I can live with that -- at least I graduated from Yale. Sure I had a C average -- but if there is one thing I've learned about Washington its that a C average from Yale sure beats the hell out of an A average from SMU.


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