Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Washington Loves "Social" Dinners

TONGIHT'S DINNER AT the White House in honor of Prince Charles and Camilla is officially a "Social" dinner, not a "State" dinner.

Just Inside the Beltway doesn't care if it's a "Buffet" dinner, we just want to be invited next time. The White House is the place to be tonight as evidenced by the offical guest list (get full list here). Not only will the Prince and his mistress...oh yeah...wife be there, but quite a few 'A' list Washington celebs as well. In addition to the usual (Condi, Rummy, Card, a few Senators) there are some interesting people too: Two Toms (Watson and Brokaw) and a Yo-You (Ma) just to name a few. But even more interesting are some of the combinations of people attending tonight's dinner. Examples:
  • Jenna Bush and her guest Mr. Henry Hager (he must be the beau).
  • Condi and her guest Mr. Gene Washington (a big shot with the NFL).
  • Mary Cheney and her guest Ms. Heather Poe (not that there's anything wrong with that).
  • John Roberts and his wife (yet another perk of being the freakin' Chief Justice of the Supreme Court).
  • and former First Lady Nancy Reagan with her guest....Merv Griffin (didn't see that one coming).

A special luncheon earlier in the day for Camilla, the -- and it's still a bit hard to say this-- Dutchess of Cornwall, included watercress soup, lemon sole with herb crust, chicory petit easparagus with black cherry tomatoes, and some sort of salad. All, but the way, served on the Truman china. We'll see what tonight's dinner holds, but with a guy as eager to sneak around on his wife as Prince Charles, we're hoping dinner is served on the Clinton china.


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